On May 2, 2022, the City of Milford has issued it's 71 page Affordable Housing Plan. Significantly, the City has committed to exploring affordable housing in four areas, including: the train station area, Bridgeport Avenue area, Monroe Street area and Naugatuck Avenue. The City has also committed to a whole host of strategies including supporting housing education and advocacy in the community. All In for Milford applauds the City's efforts and looks forward to further partnering with the city to help make many of the recommendations in this plan a reality!
Affordable housing is, quite simply, housing that costs a household no more than 30% of their income. The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) has set the maximum affordability payment at 30% based on the reasoning that, for most households, particularly those in the lower half of the income spectrum, the remaining 70% of income is vital to pay for sufficient expenditures on food, clothing, transportation, healthcare, childcare, and other necessities.
All In for Milford
Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
All In for Milford is an alliance of community leaders and neighborhood organizations that strive to make Milford a city where everyone has a place to live, everyone's voice is heard, and we all can thrive.
all materials copyright © 2025
All In for Milford